What's up next?
Hello everyone, I decided to do a status update so you know what's going on and coming next.
Hello everyone, I decided to do a status update so you know what's going on and coming next.
Here is a quick but handy tip. Recently I found myself needing to reference various components in my script without knowing if they exist. I have to get the component and then check if it exists, and if not add it to prevent null exceptions. Here is what you would write in such a case:
Grid Framework version 1.3.0 has been approved by the Asset Store team. The biggest features of this release is the addition of polar grids. Check out the updated included examples to see them right in action. Notice how in the lights-out example the coordinates wrap around, meaning that once you've exceeded the maximum angle it start from the beginning again without you having to worry about anything.
A quick heads-up, version 1.3.0 has finally been submitted to the Asset Store. Remember, the price will go up to 25$, so if you still want it for 20$ now is the time to buy.
Here is a quick update: I have reached feature freeze for polar grids, meaning I'm done with all the features. Now I need some last polish and I must prepare new images for the Asset Store, then it's all good to go. So, what took me so long? Well, designing and writing code is one thing, then you have to put it to use This often reveals weak points, some things might seems counter-intuitive, or some things are more complicated to use than others.
Hello again
This release serves as a preparation for Version 1.3.0, which will add polar grids
I've been working on the next type of grid: polar grids. The polar grid is based on polar coordinates, meaning instead of identifying a point's position using X and Y coordinates we use a radius and an angle. The radius tells us how far from the origin the point is and the angle tells us the direction. This screenshot shows the new polar grid in Unity
Version 1.2.4 has been approved by the Asset Store team. Here are the new features:
I've been dealing with performance in Grid Framework recently and added a feature that will keep the Garbage Collector from going crazy. Until now rendering always went like this: Manager requests rendering from grid -> grid calculates the end points of each line -> these points get passed to Unity's GL class for rendering. Every single frame. I have introduced a caching feature that will store all the calculated points and reuse them instead of calculating everything all over again as long as the grid has not been modified.