Grid Framework version 1.7.0 released
Version 1.7.0 of Grid Framework has just been approved by the Asset Store team. This release brings some more love for hexagonal grids in the form of two new coordinate systems and four new rendering shapes.
Version 1.7.0 of Grid Framework has just been approved by the Asset Store team. This release brings some more love for hexagonal grids in the form of two new coordinate systems and four new rendering shapes.
Grid Framework version 1.5.3 has been approved by the Asset Store team. This release brings compatibility with the upcoming Unity 5.
Grid Framework version 1.5.2 has just been approved of by the Asset Store team. This release is a bugfix for polar grids where the cylindrical lines have not been calculated properly if the depth of the grid was not 1.
This release is a hotfix for everyone who was using Playmaker
Grid Framework version 1.5.0 has been approved by the Asset Store team. This version brings a great new feature for anyone interested in making isometric 2D games: shearing. Shearing allows you to slant a rectangular grid's axes without having to rotate the grid. Up until now the only way to achieve the isometric look was to rotate the grid or the camera in 3D space, but in 2D games the camera has to be perpendicular to the image plane and thus the grid as well. Now all you need to do is just set the shearing of the axes and you're good to go, everything else stays the way it was.
After having migrated the development of Grid Framework to Git I wanted to set it up to track only certain sub-directories. I turned out that whitelisting is quite tricky, so here is how I did it for people who might run into the same problem.
As I mentioned last time the upcoming release will be a maintenance release with some much-needed cleanup. While I'm still waiting for approval I have been working on a new feature for rectangular grids that I had wanted to do for quite a while now, but couldn't until the cleanup: I'm talking about shearing.
Actually it has been up for almost a month already, but I have been busy. Anyway, this is the long-awaited release that brings PlayMaker support to Grid Framework, so here is the change log:
Grid Framework version 1.3.5 has been approved last week, here is the changelog:
This is a small update, it adds the ability to offset the origin of the grid. It also adds a chapter to the manual about extending Grid Framework with your own code. There is nothing in there experienced .NET user wouldn't know, but I figure some user might not know about extension methods and might do things in a hacky way, so I added the chapter to it, along with example code.