Grid Framework version 1.4.1 released

Actually it has been up for almost a month already, but I have been busy. Anyway, this is the long-awaited release that brings PlayMaker support to Grid Framework, so here is the change log:

  • Introducing Playmaker support: Almost the entire Grid Framework API can no be used as Playmaker actions (some parts of the API are outside the capabilities of Playmaker for now)

  • Updated the documentation to include a chapter about Playmaker and how to write your own Grid Framework actions.

  • Fixed: the origin offset resetting every time after exiting play mode.

  • Fixed compilation error in one of the Playmaker actions (setter and getter for depth of layered grids)

If you're wondering why I skipped 1.4.0, it's because I discovered a bug right after submission, so I submitted 1.4.1 right afterwards, thus skipping over the release of 1.4.0. As always you can read about how to use the new PlayMaker actions or write your own ones in the documentation.

As for future plans for Grid Framework, I still have a place that I want to optimise before considering new features, and it will require a good amount of digging, but the result will be cleaner and easier to maintain code.