One unified directory

In version 1.x Grid Framework has been distributed over several directories: Plugins, Editor, WebPlayerTemplates and GridFamework. I did this because it seemed logical to split the content by purpose, but some people disagreed with my choice, so for version 2.0 everything will unify everything in one directory.

Here is what it looked like before:

│ └─Grid Famework
│   └─...
├─Grid Framework
│ └─...
│ └─Grid Famework
│   └─...
  └─Grid Framework Documentation

And this is what it looks like now:

  └─Grid Famework
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    ├─Playmaker Actions
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...
    │ └─...

Now all of Grid Framework is confined to one directory inside your project. There is one downside though: UnityScript source files are compiled after C# source files in the Plugins directory. This means that examples can no longer be written in UnityScript. My choice was to either rewrite the UnityScript examples or give up the unified directory. I have chosen the former, the examples are simple enough that even people unfamiliar with C# can understand them and most of the examples cannot be implemented in UnityScrip anyway. In my opinion Unity has done us a disfavour by having two languages when one of them is a second-class citizen, and pushing that one as the default.

Finally, I still haven't figured out what to do with the WebPlayerTemplates directory. I have been distributing the documentation in that directory because otherwise Unity would try to compile the JavaScript files as UnityScript files and fail. It is unacceptable to publish a framework without offline documentation, but at the same time I don't like abusing the directory and spamming people's project. One idea would be to ZIP the documentation and include it like that. Another possibility would be to change the file extension of every JavaScript file to for example .txt, but then I would also have to change every reference in every HTML and JavaScript file as well.