Grid Framework version 1.8.4 released

Version 1.8.4 of Grid Framework has been released. This version updates Vectrosity support to Vectrosity version 5, and it also changes how support for other plugins is enabled. It also introduces a new example: an endless grid in 3D space.

  • Changed: Support for Vectrosity and Playmaker needs to be enabled explicitly now. Please consult the user manual chapter about plugins.

  • Fixed: Updated Vectrosity support and examples to version 5.

  • New: A new example showcases an infinite grid in 3D.

Plugin support needs to be enabled by defining preprocessor symbols in your project. The Unity user manual has a chapter on the topic; my personal choice is to define the symbols project-wide. For that purpose create a file called smcs.rsp with the following example contents:



The first line enables support for Vectrosity in general and the second line enables support for Vectrosity 4, which is the legacy version, over whatever other version might exist. If only the first line is defined the latest version of Vectrosity is supported. In the future I will add other symbols as the need arises, such as when Vectrosity 5 becomes the legacy version.

For Playmaker there is only one symbol. If you also want to use UnityScript you should define a file called us.rsp with the same contents as well. This way is much cleaner and easier to manage than the way it was done before.