• Grid Framework version 1.1.10 released

    The 1.1.10 update brings in a new function, ScaleVector3(Vector scl) : Vector3 which takes in a vector and then scales it so it fits inside the grid. This is similar to AlignVector3, which was introduced in the last update, to allow performing the aligning and scaling without having to provide an actual Transform.

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  • How about herring for lunch?

    Another progress update: WorldToGrid and GridToWorld are now implemented. For those who don't know, those two functions convert a point's coordinates from world space to grid space, the coordinate system used to locate points relative to the grid's properties, and back. For rectangular grids it's a fairly simple idea, the grid can be represented as a standard Cartesian coordinate system. With hex grids that won't do it, you simply cannot force a hex grid into a Cartesian coordinate system, you need to find something else. Fortunately there are several topologically identical possibilities with easier, more intuitive coordinate systems. For the first release I have decided to use the herringbone pattern:

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  • Trying to fit a square peg into a hex hole

    The align feature has been giving me quite some headache lately. For small objects it's easy, just fit them inside the nearest hex. It gets more interesting once your object spans over more than one hex. Here is a screenshot from the game "Age of Wonders" for PC (I upscaled the image manually, AoW has a very low resolution)

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  • Hex Grids love Vectrosity

    Good news at last, I just finished the finding functions for vertices, both in grid space and in world space. Here is a screenshot where the yellow gizmo indicates the vertex closest to the grey sphere.

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  • Vertex progress

    Good news at last, I just finished the finding functions for vertices, both in grid space and in world space. Here is a screenshot where the yellow gizmo indicates the vertex closest to the grey sphere.

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