• Introducing Guile.vim

    Vim has good support for Scheme, but the problem with Scheme is that every implementation adds its own features to the language. My guile.vim plugin aims to improve support for GNU Guile by augmenting these settings. It can attempt to detect when a Scheme file is Guile-specific and it adds syntax highlighting for Guile-specific forms.

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  • Writing NCM2 sources

    NCM2 is a plugin for Neovim and Vim which provides users with a unified completion menu. By default it displays nothing, users need to add sources for completion. These plugins instruct NCM2 on how to get completion candidates for a particular use-case, such as words in the current buffer, or function names in a programming language. The NCM2 documentation explains how to write the individual pieces of a source, and in this blog post I am going to dive into how to connect those pieces into a working source.

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  • Neovim channel for GNU Guix

    I have set up a channel for GNU Guix to build Neovim. This channel serves as an experimental staging ground for porting Neovim (and perhaps other related projects in the future) to the Guix functional package manager. When the packages are deemed stable and correct enough they will be submitted to Guix proper.

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  • Introducing Quicklisp.nvim

    One of the new features of Neovim is its ability to write plugins in any programming language, provided that there is a plugin host available. I have wanted to play around with the Common Lisp host for a while, and I like for something useful to come out of it in the end, so I created Quicklisp.nvim, a plugin which allows users to manage Common Lisp libraries from inside Neovim.

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  • Introducing REPL.nvim

    Integrating a REPL in Vim has been a difficult issue in the past, but with Nvim's built-in terminal emulator it is just a few commands away. My new REPL.nvim plugin now puts the REPL only one command away, for any programming language you wish. The end goal is to have a complete generic and configurable REPL framework which can be customised to the needs of any language and which forms a solid foundation for other plugins as well.

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  • Introducing info.vim

    There is a new project up at the Workshop: info.vim, a Vim plugin which implements a complete reader and browser for info documents from within Vim. This is similar to the standalone info program or the Emacs info mode.

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