Beware of 'require' at startup in Neovim plugins

Recently I tagged version 0.9.1 of rainbow-delimiters.nvim. This update got rid of one really nasty mistake I had been dragging along from the very beginning until just recently: every time you started up Neovim a number of require calls would run even if you never called require a single time yourself. In this post I would like to go over how this happened, why it is bad and how I got rid of it. Even though I am using rainbow-delimiters as an example here, everything I am about to say applies to other plugins as well.

What is an implicit require?

In Lua the require function searches for a Lua file whose path matches the given pattern. In other words, require '' will find the file foo/bar/baz.lua, load it as code and return the argument of the return statement. The rules Lua uses to search for a file based on the pattern are slightly complicated, but the details are not relevant here.

I call these explicit require calls because you have to call the function yourself. So what is an implicit require then? There are certain files that Neovim will source automatically on startup. In particular these are any Vim script and Lua files in the plugin directory. If any of these contains a call to require (or :runtime for Vim script) Neovim will search for the corresponding file.

An explicit but mandatory require is no different

There are also quasi-implicit require calls: if you add it yourself to a script in the plugin directory it's effectively the same: a call to require which is evaluated at startup. For the sake of brevity I will consider them the same as the aforementioned implicit calls from now on.

The problem

When you call require Lua has to search a number of paths for the file. Aside from the standard directories Neovim ships with and your personal configuration directory, Neovim also has to add all your plugins as well to the list. The more plugins you have, the more expensive each call to require gets.

This is not necessarily a problem in itself, require is so fast you will never notice a single call. Plus, results of require are cached, so you only have to pay on the first call of each module. However, these costs can add up if you have to pay for all of it upfront at once.

Let's take a look at the startup time in version 0.8.0 with two custom strategies set.

local rb = require 'rainbow-delimiters'

vim.g.rainbow_delimiters = {
	strategy = {
		[''] = rb.strategy['global'],
		commonlisp = rb.strategy['local'],
$ nvim --startuptime time.log

Here are the relevant lines from the log:

150.465  000.225  000.225: require('rainbow-delimiters.config')
150.468  000.442  000.217: require('rainbow-delimiters.log')
150.655  000.185  000.185: require('rainbow-delimiters.util')
150.658  003.266  000.265: require('rainbow-delimiters.lib')
151.316  000.217  000.217: require('rainbow-delimiters.stack')
151.743  000.206  000.206: require('rainbow-delimiters.set')
151.746  000.428  000.221: require('rainbow-delimiters.match-tree')
151.748  000.894  000.249: require('')
151.749  001.089  000.195: require('')
152.210  000.275  000.275: require('rainbow-delimiters.strategy.local.current')
152.212  000.462  000.187: require('rainbow-delimiters.strategy.local')
152.408  000.195  000.195: require('')
152.409  005.244  000.232: require('rainbow-delimiters')
209.073  000.262  000.262: require('rainbow-delimiters.default')

That is fourteen separate calls to require. Some of this is because we call require at the top in our configuration, but some of it is also just from having rainbow-delimiters installed. From how I understand the log format the second column is the time in milliseconds it took to complete this particular call. If we add them up we get a result of 13.39ms (the third column adds up to 3.131ms). That's practically nothing, but if we have a lot of plugins (I have over 60 plugins myself) and each plugin is this badly behaved it does add up.

How could this happen?

To put it simply, I was not concerned about startup time at the time I wrote this plugin. There are two sources of implicit require:

  • It is convenient to use Lua modules to organize code

  • Strategies are Lua modules which evaluate to objects

With regards to the first point, I have multiple calls to require in a plugin file, and the required modules have calls to require of their own, and so on. The top-level script is sourced at startup, and so the entire chain is required at startup. Using Lua modules is very convenient to tuck away complexity and make it reusable, but even a single require can cascade out of control.

With regards to the second point, I had this really clever idea of making strategies Lua tables which you can swap out in your configuration. This way users could write their own strategies or compose strategies. Encapsulating functionality like this is known as the strategy pattern. And since Lua modules can return an arbitrary value, why not make the entire module a strategy and require it directly?

The solution

The solution is simple: delay the require until we actually need it. If there are no rainbow parentheses to highlight, we do not need to require anything. In my case I delayed require in two ways: using strings to refer to Lua modules, and moving require into callback functions.

Refer to Lua modules by strings

I wanted to retain the ability to specify a strategy as a Lua table. So I added a type discrimination to my code:

local strategy  -- Taken from the user's configuration
if type(strategy) == 'string' then
    strategy = require(strategy)
-- Proceed as before

Actually there is a bit more code for error handling if the module cannot be found, but this is the basic idea. Users can either set a table as the strategy like before, or they can set a string which is the pattern to a Lua module which evaluates to a table.

-- Look Ma, no require
vim.g.rainbow_delimiters = {
	strategy = {
		[''] = '',
		commonlisp = 'rainbow-delimiters.strategy.local',

Move require into callback functions

If the required module is only needed in callback functions, such as those passed to autocommands, we can move the call into the callback.

local function my_callback(args)
    local lib = require 'rainbow-delimiters.lib'
    -- Do the other stuff...

This will make the callback slightly more expensive because require has to look up the cached result, but that's negligible. We are not trying to build a game engine in Neovim. If you really are concerned about the overhead you could try something like this:

local lib  -- Initialised to nil

local function my_callback(args)
    if not lib then
        lib = require 'rainbow-delimiters.lib'
    -- Do the other stuff...

I don't know if the overhead from the if-check is going to be more or less expensive than repeatedly calling require and I honestly don't care at this point. I'll let you be the judge. Remember that the goal is not to not have to call require, but to avoid calling it on startup for no reason.

Closing thoughts

Was this worth it? Will people see faster startup times now? Probably not. The issue is not any single plugin on its own, it is the sum of all the plugins you have installed. Fixing one single plugin won't make much of a difference, but on the other hand this was such a simple fix and now I am no longer contributing to the problem. Hopefully other plugin authors will go ahead an minimize their implicit require calls as well. And yes, this does include setup functions as well.

Someone might raise the point of “Why not use a plugin manager with lazy-loading?”. I would say it is not the responsibility of the user to use band-aid solutions to fix problems with plugins. We have had lazy loading facilities like ftplugin or autoload in Vim before Neovim even existed, so this is not a new problem and plugin authors back then were also expected to make use of them.