Let's write FizzBuzz in a functional style for no good reason

Let's write yet another FizzBuzz because that's what the world needs. Here's the twist though: ours won't be like those other fuddy-duddy lame and bloated enterprise-grade FizzBuzzes. Oh no, we are ahead of the curve this time, it's functional time, baby! We will be using Python though, because Python and Javascript is the closest most of us will ever get to using a functional programming language in production.


Guido, can we have Haskell?

Guido van Rossum:

We have functional programming in Python

Functional programming in Python:

The naive FizzBuzz

Here is how your typical programmer would write his FizzBuzz:

for i in range(100):
    if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
    elif i % 3 == 0:
    elif i % 5 == 0:

Simple and concise, yet this won't do in today's marketplace. Let's function it up.

The functional FizzBuzz

The first thing a real Python programmer does is separate functionality from execution through an if __name__ == '__main__' check.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(100):
        if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
        elif i % 3 == 0:
        elif i % 5 == 0:

OK, but that's still nowhere functional, there aren't even any functions! The bulk of our logic is the big FizzBuzz check, so that seems like a good candidate for a function. And while we're at it I'm also going to type-annotate the code because functional languages have really fancy type systems.

def fizzbuzz(i: int) -> str:
    """Fizzes and buzzes a given number into a string."""
    if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
        return 'FizzBuzz'
    elif i % 3 == 0:
        return 'Fizz'
    elif i % 5 == 0:
        return 'Buzz'
        return str(i)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(100):

This is functional, but I'm not quite feeling it yet. Our range is a limited generator, but functional languages are all cool and hip with their infinite and lazily evaluated collections. That's what we have generators for in Python. The count generator will keep supplying us with ascending integers until the number can no longer fit in memory. We will use islice to pick a finite subset of this infinite sequence.

from itertools import count, islice

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in islice(count(1), 100):

Now we are getting somewhere. Still though, it doesn't feel that functional unless we have at least one map. Let's use map to move the call to fizzbuzz into the loop head. What's cool about Python 3 as opposed to Python 2 is that map returns another lazy iterator, so it's fine to map over the infinite sequence of count.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for line in islice(map(fizzbuzz, count(1)), 100):

Beautiful! Now our code can only be understood by reading it inside-out. I wish we had a foreach function for side effects, but this will have to do. Now there is just one thing left. Functional languages pride themselves on pattern-matching, and our if-elif-else chain looks so imperative. Let's fix it up before all the cool kids make fun of us.

def fizzbuzz(i: int) -> str:
    """Fizzes and buzzes a given number."""
    match (i % 3, i % 5):
        case (0, 0):
            return 'FizzBuzz'
        case (0, _):
            return 'Fizz'
        case (_, 0):
            return 'Buzz'
        case _:
            return str(i)

Putting it all together

Here it is, a purely functional FizzBuzz in Python.

from itertools import count, islice

def fizzbuzz(i: int) -> str:
    """Fizzes and buzzes a given number."""
    match (i % 3, i % 5):
        case (0, 0):
            return 'FizzBuzz'
        case (0, _):
            return 'Fizz'
        case (_, 0):
            return 'Buzz'
        case _:
            return str(i)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for line in islice(map(fizzbuzz, count(1)), 100):

Property-testing it

Oops, we got carried away and forgot to write our tests before writing the implementation. Let's travel back in time (something, something, delimited continuations) and fix this. Functional languages are cool and hip with their property testing thanks to the purity of their functions, so of course we are going to property test as well. We will use the Hypothesis library for our tests.

Hypothesis will generate a bunch of random numbers and throw them one at a time at our tests. If we did everything right each and every single one will pass, no matter how many random inputs we throw at it. Because our fizzbuzz function is pure we will never run into any side effects.

Here is what a property tests looks like:

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import integers
from .fizzbuzz import fizzbuzz

def test_unfizzbuzzable(i):
    """Numbers which are divisible by neither 3 nor 5 are printed as is"""
    assert fizzbuzz(i) == str(i)

Of course this will fail because we are throwing any integers at it, not just those indivisible by 3 and 5. We need to filter the strategy returned by integers by calling its filter method with a condition function.

def fizzable(i: int) -> bool:
    """Number is divisible by three."""
    return i % 3 == 0

def buzzable(i: int) -> bool:
    """Number is divisible by five."""
    return i % 5 == 0

def unfizzable(i: int) -> bool:
    """Number is not divisible by three."""
    return not fizzable(i)

def unbuzzable(i: int) -> bool:
    """Number is  not divisible by five."""
    return not buzzable(i)

@given(integers().filter(unfizzable).filter(unbuzzable))  # <-- UPDATED
def test_unfizzbuzzable(i):
    """Numbers which are divisible by neither 3 nor 5 are printed as is"""
    assert fizzbuzz(i) == str(i)

Here we say that we only want integers which are both unfizzable and unbuzzable by filtering the randomly picked integers. With these functions and their positive counterparts we can also define all the other test cases.

def test_fizzable(i):
    """Numbers which are divisible by 3 but not by 5 are fizzed"""
    assert fizzbuzz(i) == 'Fizz'

def test_buzzable(i):
    """Numbers which are divisible by 5 but not by 3 are buzzed"""
    assert fizzbuzz(i) == 'Buzz'

def test_fizzbuzzable(i):
    """Numbers which are divisible by both 3 and 5 are fizzbuzzed"""
    assert fizzbuzz(i) == 'FizzBuzz'

And that's it for testing, each test is only one line and we did not even need to come up with test cases.

Needs more lambdas and higher-order functions!

OK, with the tests out of the way it's time to go full-on functional, no more holding back. So far we have hard-coded the divisibility by 3 and 5, but what if our client changes his mind because it's Thursday? Our code is not flexible enough, it needs to be declarative and data-driven!

Here is the plan: we provide a rule set in the form of a sequence of rules which are (int, str) pairs, then apply a higher-order function to the rules to produce the actual fizz-buzzing function. This way we can have any number of rules and fizz-buzzing functions in our application and configure them at runtime.

First we need a Rule data structure. We will use a typed named tuple for that sweet extra type safety.

from typing import NamedTuple

class Rule(NamedTuple):
    A single rule of the FizzBuzz game.

    `number`  The rule applies to an integer `i` if it is divisible by this
    `value`   Text which will be part of the output if the rule applies
    number: int
    value: str

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """A rule is implicitly represented by its value."""
        return self.value

    def test(self, i: int) -> bool:
        """Test whether this rule applies to the given number `i`."""
        return i % self.number == 0

The rule has two methods built-in: one to turn into it string value using the built-in str function, and a predicate to apply the rule to an integer. These methods could have been standalone functions and we can call them as such (which we actually will do), so we are still functional as far as I am concerned. This is how we use rules to do FizzBuzz:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # ------- Same game as before, but using explicit rules
    rules = [Rule(3, 'Fizz'), Rule(5, 'Buzz')]
    fizzbuzz = compile_rules(rules)
    # ------- From here on the code is the same as before
    for line in islice(map(fizzbuzz, count(1)), 100):

The loop is the same, but the fizzbuzz function is constructed at runtime from the list of rules. The rules are compiled by the compile_rules function. I intentionally call it compilation because that is what is happening: we are taking data and creating a real Python function. If our Python implementation was producing native machine code we would have an actual native machine code generator. But even as it is, this is still quite powerful.

Now for the part that connects everything, our rule set compiler.

def compile_rules(rules: Iterable[Rule]) -> Callable[[int], str]:
    Compiles a rule set into an executable FizzBuzzing function.

    :param rules: Ordered sequence of FizzBuzz rules.
    :return: Function which applied to an integer returns the FizzBuzz result
    rules = list(rules)

    def closure(i: int) -> str:
        # Use a map to apply each rule in succession to the number, filter out
        # indivisible ones.  If the result is empty return the number,
        # otherwise join all the strings.
        s = ''.join(map(str, filter(partial(Rule.test, i=i), rules)))
        match s:
            case '':
                return str(i)
            case _:
                return s

    return closure

See, I told you we would be using the methods as standalone functions. The compilation result is a new function which can be applied to any integer number. It is a closure which closes over the rule set. What's with the weird reassignment of rules though? I thought this was functional and that we do not use assignment! Well, if we squint really hard we could say that this is a different rules variable which shadows the original rules parameter. I know, I know, that's not how it works in Python, but in this instance it does not make a difference, so just roll with it. I did not want to come up with a new name for the second rules variable because naming things is one of the two truly hard problems in computer science (the other one being cache invalidation and off-by-one errors).

OK, but why do we reassign, I mean shadow rules in the first place? In the realm of functional programming we like to use lazy collections, and some of these can be exhausted. In Python a good example of an exhaustible collection is the generator. If we used one of these directly the program would run fine the first time, but on every subsequent run the generator would be empty and none of the tests would run.

Oh, and if you are wondering where the promised lambda is: I consider partial to be just a fancy way of writing lambda. Both produce an anonymous function.

Testing again

Of course I adjusted the tests first before I wrote the above code. I an just putting tests here for didactic reasons. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Previously I was generating the numbers to fizz-buzz, but in order to test our compiler function we need to generate rules as well. Since each rule depends on two other values we can use a composite rule, which is a fancy way of saying that we build a new rule from two existing rules.

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import DataObject, composite, data, integers, text,\
                                  lists, iterables
from .fizzbuzz import Rule, compile_rules

def rules(draw) -> Rule:
    Returns a strategy which randomly generates FizzBuzz rules.

    :return: Rule with random number and string value
    number = draw(integers(min_value=2))
    value = draw(text(ascii_letters, min_size=1)).title()
    return Rule(number, value)

Testing rules

Let's now write the first test: a rule test succeeds if and only if an integer i is a multiple of the rule's number. How do we get a multiple from an arbitrary number n? We multiply it by the number of the rule. This means we need our rule and some arbitrary non-negative integer n to compute the multiple.

@given(rules(), integers(min_value=1))
def test_rule_success(rule: Rule, n: int):
    """Rule applies to numbers which are multiple of the rule's number."""
    assert rule.test(n * rule.number)

Nothing surprising here, let's move on. A rule test fails if and only if a number is not a multiple of the number of the rule. OK, but where do we get such a number? We generate one randomly of course! But wait, we cannot just take any random number, it must not be a multiple. Remember, we are working with properties here, so what is the property of a number x which is not a multiple of some number a? It can be written as x = n * a + i for any non-negative integer n and some i where 0 < i < a. This formula translates pretty much one-to-one to a test.

@given(rules(), integers(min_value=0), integers(min_value=1), data())
def test_rule_failure(rule: Rule, n: int, data: DataObject):
    Rule does not apply to numbers which are not multiple of the rule's number.
    i = data.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=rule.number - 1))
    assert not rule.test(n * rule.number + i)

Here we use the special data strategy which lets us draw a random sample from a strategy from within the test body. We have to delay generating i because it depends on the rule. Other than that the test is straight-forward.

Testing the compiler

With the rules tested it's time to test the compiler. First we will need a generator for a rule set. But we don't want any set of rules, we want a unambiguous rule set. What does that mean? Supposed you had the rules (3, Fizz) and (5, Fizztastic), then a naive search for the substring Fizz would not be able to tell which of these two rules produced the string. So we will sidestep this problem by simply not generating such rule sets.

def unambiguous_rule_names(rules: list[Rule]):
    """None of rule texts contain another rule's text."""
    texts = {rule.value for rule in rules}
    return all(
        not any(text2.startswith(text) for text2 in (texts - {text}))
        for text in texts

def rulesets(draw, max_size=5) -> Rule:
    Returns a strategy which generates a random FizzBuzz rule set.  All rules
    have unique number and value.  Additionally the value of one rule is
    guaranteed to never be part of another rule's value.  This ensures that
    there is an unambiguous mapping between the output string and the rules
    which produced it.

    :param max_size: Maximum number of rules in the rule set
    :return: Unambiguous ruleset of random rules
    ruleset = draw(lists(rules(), min_size=1, max_size=max_size,
                            unique_by=(lambda r: r.value, lambda r: r.number))
    return ruleset

Our rule set has at least one rule, all rules are unique, and on top of that we filter out the ambiguity.

The first property we will test is idempotence, which is to say that running the multiple times always generates the same result. Idempotence matters because a ruleset might be an exhaustible sequence such as a generator, but we want the program to work every time, not just on the first run. That's why we intentionally use the iterables strategy instead of our own rulesets strategy. The unambiguous_rule_names predicate does not work on a generator, but that's OK, we do not care about ambiguity here, we are only concerned with preserving the same output, whatever that output might be.

@given(iterables(rules(), min_size=1, max_size=5, unique=True),
def test_fizzbuzz_idempotent(rules: list[Rule], n: int):
    Running the program multiple times produces the same result even when the
    rule set is an exhaustible generator.
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    outputs = [program(n) for _ in range(times)]
    assert all(outputs[0] == output for output in outputs)

This does not tell us anything about the output itself though, it could be just 'lol' each time for all we know. Let's go ahead and test the output.

@given(rulesets(), integers(min_value=1))
def test_fizzbuzz_contains_value(rules: list[Rule], n: int):
    The output of the program is either the number itself if none of the rules
    apply, or the concatenation of all values of the rules which apply in the
    order the rules were given.
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    expected = ''.join(rule.value for rule in rules if rule.test(n))
    result = program(n)
    match expected:
        case '':
            assert result == str(n)
        case _:
            assert result == expected

Great, we have now covered every test case, so we are done, right? Not so fast buddy! Take a closer look at the definition of expected. That's just the same logic as in the rule, except using a generator comprehension instead of map and filter. So what we have actually tested is that the implementation does what the implementation does. That's a tautology, which is utterly useless as a test. This is a trap that is easy to fall into.

Let's take a step back and think about what properties the output must have.

  • If none of the rules apply, then n is printed as is.

  • The output contains the text value of every rule which applies to n

  • The output does not contain the text value of any rule which does not apply to n

  • The output preserves the order of rules from the rule set

These are all properties that we can reasonably test without making assumptions about the whole output string.

Testing output properties

The first property will be the output if none of the rules apply.

@given(rulesets(), data())
def test_fizzbuzz_number(rules: list[Rule], data: DataObject):
    """A number which not divisible by any rule is printed as is."""
    n = data.draw(integers()
                    .filter(lambda n: not any(r.test(n) for r in rules)),
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    assert program(n) == str(n)

Nothing surprising here, we draw a number for which none of the rules test positively. Let's move on.

@given(rulesets(), data())
def test_fizzbuzz_contains_match(rules: list[Rule], data: DataObject):
    """If the number is divisible the result contains the rule's text."""
    n = data.draw(integers()
                    .filter(lambda n: any(r.test(n) for r in rules)),
    positives = [r for r in rules if r.test(n)]
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    result = program(n)
    present = [r for r in rules if r.value in result]
    assert positives == present

Here we draw a number for which any number of rules, but at least one, apply. Then we compare the list of all rules which apply (positives) and all rules whose text is found within the output (present). This is also why we needed the rule about unambiguous values above.

Now let's do the opposite.

@given(rulesets(), data())
def test_fizzbuzz_contains_no_mismatch(rules: list[Rule], data: DataObject):
    If the number is not divisible the result does not contain the rule's text
    n = data.draw(integers()
                    .filter(lambda n: any(r.test(n) for r in rules)),
    negatives = [r for r in rules if not r.test(n)]
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    result = program(n)
    absent = [r for r in rules if r.value not in result]
    assert negatives == absent

Here it is slightly different. First we find all rules whose values which do not apply (negatives), then the ones whose values is not in the results (absent). If the two are the same the test succeeds.

The final property is the order of values.

@given(rulesets(), data())
def test_fizzbuzz_results_order(rules: list[Rule], data: DataObject):
    """The rule values are in the same order they were given in."""
    n = data.draw(integers().filter(lambda n: any(r.test(n) for r in rules)))
    positives = [r for r in rules if r.test(n)]
    program = compile_rules(rules)
    result = program(n)
    positions = [result.find(r.value) for r in positives]
    assert all(a < b for a, b in pairwise(positions))

Here we use result.find to find the position of every match. If and only if our text values are properly ordered, then those positions will be ordered from lowest to highest as well. So all we need to do is test whether for two adjacent indices a and b the value of a is less than the value of b. The pairwise function does exactly what we need: it maps the sequence of positions to a sequence of consecutive pairs of positions. This means that for example ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] becomes [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd')].


This is obviously all just a joke, no one would write FizzBuzz like this, but there is also value in trying to do something with one hand tied behind your back. But mostly I was just looking for an excuse to try out Hypothesis.

Python is not a functional language, but I was able to get surprisingly far without using assignment, mutation, side effects or loops. The only time I had to use side effects and loops was at the very end to actually show the output. I did use a class, but I was only using it as a data structure to organize the code, there was nothing object-oriented about that.

What holds back Python in terms of functional programming is the lack of tail-call optimisation. Without it we have to rely on loops eventually. With that said, it is surprising how far the functools and itertools packages, as well as comprehensions, can take us. In my case I did not have to use any recursive function calls, so the lack of tail-call optimisation never bothered me. There are a couple of other points that make functional programming cumbersome, but similar languages like Lua and Javascript have them as well:

  • There is a difference between statements and expressions (in functional languages everything is an expression)

  • Reading code inside-out is hard, Python does not have any pipe operator (like |> in Elixir)

All in all though, I would say that it is much easier to move to a true functional programming language from Python than from a language like C.

As for Hypothesis, I really like it. The hardest part was changing my mental model from “if I have this input I expect this output” to “if my input has this property then my output must have that property”. It requires careful thinking about what all the properties can be. There will still be cases where it makes sense to manually pick a test case (e.g. in end-to-end tests), I do not expect to write all my tests around properties from now on. But with that said, it will definitely be an important tool in my toolbox.

Source code

I have created a repository with the final source code.