Testing Neovim plugins with Busted


The most annoying part about writing plugins for Neovim has been the lack of a good test framework. There are a couple of frameworks, and Vader has been my favourite so far, but they all have their downsides. This made me wonder: why limit myself to Vim/Neovim test frameworks? We have a full Lua runtime, and other people already have solved the testing problem for Lua. Busted does 90% of what we need, so let's fill in the remaining 10%. The following is based on my experience with adding tests to rainbow-delimiters.nvim.

Update (2024-02-01): The nlua project has been brought to my attention, it acts like a more complete version of the command-line interface adapter described below. It does not handle environment isolation though, so you will still need to set environment variables.

Update (2024-02-20): I have since changed how I handle the symlink. Checking it into the repo is a problem for users who run the Lua language server and telling everyone to add test/xdg to their servers ignore list is unacceptable. Instead I decided to create and delete the symlink each time inside the shim.


The following requirements must be met:

  • Tests must be run inside Neovim

  • Each test must run inside its own Neovim process

  • The user's own configuration and plugins must not be interfere with the test

  • CI friendly: tests results are printed to the standard output and the exit code indicates success or failure

Testing Neovim plugins is tricky because of Lua's nature as an embedded language. Normally we don't write standalone Lua scripts (although we could if we want to), instead we run our scripts from inside another application which embeds a Lua interpreter. This is very similar to how Javascript can be embedded both inside a web browser and inside an interpreter like Node.js. This similarity will be relevant later when we discuss functional tests.


Neovim as a Lua interpreter

Our tests will be using Neovim's Lua API, so we need to find a way to run the test code inside Neovim. Version 0.9 added the -l command-line flag which does exactly that: Neovim will run as a Lua interpreter and any arguments past -l are treated as arguments to the interpreter. The first argument is the script, subsequent arguments are command-line arguments to the script.

We will write a small command-line adapter which exposes the same command-line interface as the standalone Lua interpreter. These types of thin adapters are called “shims”. Let's create a file named test/nvim-shim.


nvim -l $@

The $@ causes any arguments to the shim to be spliced into the line. This shim is all we need to run scripts, but we will have to revisit it a couple more times to address our other requirements.

Isolation from the user's own configuration

I do not want my own configuration and plugins to interfere with testing. There might be some setting which could obscure a bug, or different people's setting could produce different test results. Fortunately Neovim follows the XDG Base Directory specification, so all we have to do is set the corresponding environment variables in our shim.


export XDG_CONFIG_HOME='test/xdg/config/'
export XDG_STATE_HOME='test/xdg/local/state/'
export XDG_DATA_HOME='test/xdg/local/share/'

nvim -l $@

With this our configuration will be entirely contained inside the test/xdg directory. The path does not matter, you can use some other value instead.


At the very minimum there will be one dependency: the plugin itself. Furthermore, if our plugin depends on some other plugin we have to include it as well. Since all tests are running in an isolated environment we cannot rely on our standard paths, we have to use test/xdg instead.

Let's create a directory test/xdg/local/share/nvim/site/pack/testing/start (testing is an arbitrary name) and place all dependencies there. This path will be searched for plugins automatically, there is no need for a package manager.

Referencing the plugin itself

We can create a symlink to the plugin itself. The name of the symlink is arbitrary.

cd test/xdg/local/share/nvim/site/pack/testing/start/
ln -l ../../../../../../../../../ rainbow-delimiters

As an aside, if you are using the Lua Language Server you should set it up to ignore the symlink directory, or else the language server will run in circles when analysing the project. Personally I just ignore all of test/xdg.

Update: forget everything I just said

We can instead create the symlink inside the shim and delete it at the end. Then users don't have to mess around with their language server settings.


export XDG_CONFIG_HOME='test/xdg/config/'
export XDG_STATE_HOME='test/xdg/local/state/'
export XDG_DATA_HOME='test/xdg/local/share/'

ln -s $(pwd) ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/nvim/site/pack/testing/start/rainbow-delimiters
nvim -l $@
rm ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/nvim/site/pack/testing/start/rainbow-delimiters

exit $exit_code

Note that we store the exit code of nvim because we want the exit code of the entire shim to be the exit code of Neovim. We also want to remove the symlink regardless of whether the tests were successful or not.

3rd party dependencies

Other plugins can be added as Git submodules. Let's say that our plugin depends on nvim-treesitter.


git submodule add ${url} ${path}

Git submodules have the added advantage that we can nail down the specific version we are testing against.

Local configuration

We might need custom configuration in our isolated test environment. Maybe we want to configure a 3rd-party plugin, or maybe we want to add additional functions and commands which do not belong into the plugin. Custom configuration can be added to test/xdg/config/nvim. In my case I have this helper function:

-- File plugin/ts-ensure.lua

local parser_pattern = 'parser/%s.*'

---Wrapper around the `:TSinstallSync` command which will only install a parser
---if it is not installed yet
function TSEnsure(lang, ...)
    for _, l in ipairs({lang, ...}) do
        local parsers = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file(parser_pattern:format(l), true)
        if #parsers == 0 then
            vim.cmd {cmd = 'TSInstallSync', args = {l}}

I can then call this function in my functional tests (more on those later) to make sure the corresponding parser is installed within the isolated test environment.

Loading plugins into the shim

Unfortunately merely making plugins visible is not enough when using the -l flag. The manual entry for :h -l says:

Disables plugins unless 'loadplugins' was set.

Let's update the shim one more time


export XDG_CONFIG_HOME='test/xdg/config/'
export XDG_STATE_HOME='test/xdg/local/state/'
export XDG_DATA_HOME='test/xdg/local/share/'

ln -s $(pwd) ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/nvim/site/pack/testing/start/rainbow-delimiters
nvim --cmd 'set loadplugins' -l $@
rm ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/nvim/site/pack/testing/start/rainbow-delimiters

exit $exit_code

It is important to use --cmd instead of -c because the command needs to be executed before configuration is read. This is the final shim, we can now instruct Busted to use the shim as the interpreter. Make sure the shim is executable.

Configure Busted

As per the Busted help text we can pass the path to a Lua interpreter to the --lua command-line option, and the manual says that we can use a Lua file called .busted to specify options. Let's create this file at the root of the plugin.

return {
    _all = {
        lua = './test/nvim-shim'

With this our preparations are done and we can start writing tests.

Writing tests

For our purpose there are two types of tests: unit tests and functional tests.

Unit tests

A unit test tests a small unit of code (like a Lua module) in isolation. It does not depend on or affect global state. In a text editor there won't be many such units because the entire point of the plugin is to modify the state of the text editor. Nevertheless, there usually will be some module that can be tested in isolation. In Rainbow Delimiters there is an implementation of a stack data structure, so let's test that.

All my unit tests live in test/unit and by convention tests end in _spec.lua. In Busted it is common to place tests next to the source code, but I prefer to keep them out of Neovim's search directories (see :h 'rtp'). First we need to update the .busted file; Busted has the notion of “tasks”, which are groups of tests, so let's create a new task called unit.

return {
    _all = {
        lua = './test/nvim-shim'
    unit = {
        ROOT = {'./test/unit/'},

Now we can write our first test. Create a new file named test/unit/stack_spec.lua with the following content:

local Stack = require 'rainbow-delimiters.stack'

describe('The stack data structure', function()
    describe('The empty stack', function()
        local stack

        before_each(function() stack = Stack.new() end)

        it('Can instantiate an empty stack', function()

        it('Is empty', function()
            assert.is.equal(0, stack:size())

        it('Can push items onto the stack', function ()
            assert.is.equal(2, stack:size())

I won't go into details on how to write tests in Busted, you can read the manual for that. The interesting part is that this test will run inside Neovim, we have access to the entire Neovim library and all plugins which exist in our isolated environment.

To run the test we call Busted as usual and instruct it to run the unit task. I have installed Busted via LuaRocks, so I run the following from the shell:

eval $(luarocks path --lua-version 5.1 --bin) && busted --run unit

For convenience I use a makefile, but you can also run the command from the shell manually. Note that I set the Lua version to 5.1 because that is the Lua version Neovim uses.

Functional tests

Here is where it gets interesting. A functional test tests the behaviour of the entire plugin, how it reacts to the editor state and how it affects it. Unlike unit tests, this does involve mutation of the global state, so it is important that each tests runs in its own process. But all our tests run inside the same Busted process, so what do we do? Have a separate Busted task for each individual test?

Let's take a step back. Lua is not unique, there are other embedded languages, so someone probably already has solved the problem and we can copy the solution. Javascript is also an embedded languages and it powers massive applications (for better or worse), and these applications need testing as well.

Javascript web applications can be tested using a framework like Selenium. Selenium lets us control a web browser through scripting and lets us probe the state of the page. That's it, that is all Selenium does, it is up to use to decide what to do with this power. A test can be written in Javascript using a framework like Jest, but it does not have to. What matters is that the test can now control the browser, which runs the actual web application, and that the test can probe the browser to figure out whether the right thing has happened.

Fortunately we do not need a massive framework like Selenium, Neovim already provides everything we need out of the box:

  • Start a new embedded Neovim process

  • Control it through the Neovim API (:h API) over RPC

Let's write a simple functional test.

local jobopts = {rpc = true, width = 80, height = 24}

describe('Math in Vim script', function()
    local nvim  -- Channel of the embedded Neovim process

        -- Start a new Neovim process
        nvim = vim.fn.jobstart({'nvim', '--embed', '--headless'}, jobopts)

        -- Terminate the Neovim process

    it('Can add up two numbers', function()
        local result = rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', '2 + 3')
        assert.is.equal(5, result)

    it('Sets a buffer file type', function()
        rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_buf_set_option', 0, 'filetype', 'lua')
        local result = rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', '&filetype')
        assert.is.equal('lua', result)

    it('Creates new buffers with empty file type', function()
        local result = rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', '&filetype')
        assert.is.equal('', result)

There are a couple of things to note here:

  • We start Neovim with --embed and --headless; this makes Neovim run without a TUI and with its standard IO expecting RPC messages

  • We use rpcsend to communicate with the embedded Neovim process remotely

  • The third test is unaffected by the file type setting of the previous test

  • We need to declare the variable neovim outside of our tests due to Lua's scoping rules, but the value of the variable is assigned anew for each test

  • We cannot confirm the state of the embedded Neovim directly, we first have to query it for a value and then compare the given result to the expected value

To run functional tests we define a new Busted task:

return {
    _all = {
        lua = './test/nvim-shim'
    unit = {
        ROOT = {'./test/unit/'},
    functional = {
        ROOT = {'./test/e2e/'},
        pattern = '',  -- No fancy names for E2E tests

While I was at it I also removed file any pattern restrictions. Functional test are run the same way as unit tests.

eval $(luarocks path --lua-version 5.1 --bin) && busted --run functional

As far as Busted is concerned there is nothing special about these tests. We are calling regular Lua functions; that these functions start a new process is irrelevant. In fact, we could have written functional tests in any language we want, it just made the most sense to use Lua where we get all the low-level technical details of the RPC protocol implemented for free from Neovim.


Instead of writing a new test framework we were able to leverage what we already have and only write a relatively small amount of glue code to fill in the gaps between the individual pieces. This was only possible because Neovim gives us all the tools we need:

  • The -l flag to use it as a Lua interpreter

  • The ability to embed a headless instance

  • The RPC API

  • Following the XDG Base Directory specification

The key insight is that the Neovim instance running the test does not have to be the same Neovim instance which is being tested. Instead we control a new Neovim instance, similar to what the Selenium framework does with web browsers.

Bonus: an RPC plugin?

Writing rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_...', ...) for every single request gets tedious and noisy very quickly. I know I said we do not need a massive framework like Selenium, but it would be nice to have some sort of RPC plugin which cuts down on the boilerplate. Something like this:

local wrapper = require 'my-hypothetical-plugin'

describe('Math in Vim script', function()
    local nvim  -- Channel of the embedded Neovim process

        nvim = wrapper.new()


    it('Can add up two numbers', function()
        local result = nvim:eval('2 + 3')
        assert.is.equal(5, result)

    it('Sets a buffer file type', function()
        nvim:buf_set_option(0, 'filetype', 'lua')
        local result = nvim:eval('&filetype')
        assert.is.equal('lua', result)

    it('Creates new buffers with empty file type', function()
        local result = nvim:eval('&filetype')
        assert.is.equal('', result)

I am not promising anything here, this is just me throwing out an idea.

Bonus: a little trivia

Selenium is the name of a chemical element, it is derived from the Greek word σελήνη (selene), which means “moon”, which is “lua” in Portuguese. Is this a cute little coincidence, or could there be some deeper meaning behind it?