Neovim plugin settings with Lua metatables

A lot of new Neovim plugins come with a setup function which lets you specify the settings of the plugin. Users are expected to call that function with a table as arguments which contains the user's personal settings to override the defaults. This works, but Lua is all about tables, so let's look at an alternative.

This post will be rather large because I want to go lay out my thought process step by step instead of just serving the final implementation as if I just came up with it in one sitting.

The idea

Most plugins require us to call a function named setup where we set our personal settings. Anything not specified will fall back to the default of the plugin. Here is what my configuration for Treesitter looks like:

local ts_config = require'nvim-treesitter.configs'

ts_config.setup {
	highlight = {
		enable = true,
		use_languagetree = true, -- use this to enable language injection
		custom_captures = {
	incremental_selection = {
		enable = true,
	indent = {
		enable = true
	context_commentstring = {
		enable = true,
	playground = {

Any key that is omitted will fall back to the default. This works fine, but it has a few drawbacks:

  • We cannot restore the default without restarting Neovim

  • We do not have access to the stored options

  • We do not have access to the defaults

My proposal is to expose a table to directly write the settings into.

local ts_config = require'nvim-treesitter.configs'

-- Set all options in one go
ts_config = {
	highlight = {
		enable = true,
		use_languagetree = true, -- use this to enable language injection
		custom_captures = {
	incremental_selection = {
	    enable = true,

-- Set an option later
ts_config.indent = {
	enable = true

-- Restore a setting to the default by deleting it
ts_config.incremental_selection = nil

-- Query the default
default_commentstring = ts_config.context_commentstring

In order to make this safe we have to use two tables in the implementation: one holds the defaults and is immutable, the other is public and can be written to by the user. We will have to use Lua's metatables to wire up the two tables together.

Lua metatables

Metatables are an advanced Lua feature which lets us alter how objects behave at runtime. Imagine that we want to add complex numbers to Lua; the only compound data type we have in Lua is the table, so let's create a constructor function which returns a table that represents a complex number.

local function complex(real, imaginary)
    return {
        real = real,
        imaginary = imaginary

Simple enough. We also want to do arithmetic on complex numbers, so let's add functions for that as well. Don't worry if you are not familiar with complex numbers, I'm just trying to make a point here, the formula is not important.

local function complex_add(a, b)
    local real = a.real + b.real
    local imaginary = a.imaginary + b.imaginary
    return complex(real, imaginary)

local function complex_multiply(a, b)
    local real = a.real * b.real - a.imaginary * b.imaginary
    local imaginary = a.real * b.imaginary - a.imaginary * b.real
    return complex(real, imaginary)

This is all straight-forward, but it is really cumbersome to write code using these functions. I would like to use the arithmetic operators + and * with complex numbers just as I can use them with real numbers. This is where metatables come into play: we can tell Lua “here is how you can add two complex numbers” by specifying the function in a table. The metatable needs to be attached to each complex number we create. Let's adjust the constructor.

local mt = {
    __add = complex_add,
    __mul = complex_multiply,

local function complex(real, imaginary)
    local result = {
        real = real,
        imaginary = imaginary
    setmetatable(result, mt)  -- Metatable is shared between instances
    return result

Whenever Lua tries to add two objects it will look if one of them has a metatable with an __add function and then call that function with the two operands as arguments. The above function could be further improved to check whether the arguments are indeed complex numbers or some other table, but that is beyond the scope of this post.

Metatables for safe defaults

We start out with two tables, one contains all defaults and is private, the other is empty and public.

local M = {}  -- The module

-- Hard-coded defaults, never written to, never directly read from
local default = {
    cache_path = vim.fn.stdpath('cache') .. '/my_plugin',
    extra = {},
    size = {
        min = 0,
        max = 10

-- Public configuration, read and write directory to this table
M.config = {}

return M

We can now set up a metatable for config which instructs Lua to look up an entry in default if it does not exist in config.

local mt = {
    -- t is the original table, k is the key
    __index = function(t, k)
        return default[k]

setmetatable(M.config, mt)

This will work fine for scalar entries like cache_path, but it will fail for tables like size. Suppose the user has only assigned the min value. Now when we read config.size.max Lua finds the custom size entry inside config, but not the max entry within it, returning nil as the result. We need to assign a separate metatable to the custom size so it knows where to look for defaults. This is where the __newindex metamethod comes into play.

local mt = {
    __index = function(t, k)  -- unchanged
        return default[k]

    -- t is the original table, k is the key, v is the value
    __newindex = function(t, k, v)
        t[k] = v
        -- If the value is a scalar we are done
        if type(v) ~= 'table' then return end
        -- Otherwise assign a new metatable to v
        local mt = {
            __index = function(t, k2)
                return default[k][k2]
        setmetatable(v, mt)

But wait, this will only work for one level of nesting. What if we have two or more levels? We need a metatable constructor which returns a new metatable when given a parent table. This will allow us to create arbitrary levels of nesting in our configuration. Every time we look up a value we will recursively search up the chain until we reach the root table.

local function make_mt(default)
    local result = {
        __index = function(t, k)
            return default[k]
        __newindex = function(t, k, v)
            t[k] = v
            if type(v) ~= 'table' then return end
            setmetatable(t, make_mt(default[k]))
    return result

This function will not run into infinite recursion. The inner call to make_mt will not be executed until the __newindex function is called. However, now we have broken the immutability of the default table. Consider the following case:

foo = require 'foo'

foo.config.size.max = 7

This is equivalent to (config.size)['max'] = 7. The table config is empty, so indexing it via config.size returns a reference to the size table from the default values. When we then index it via size.max we are indexing and mutating the original table.

To solve this problem we can create a new empty table whenever we would index the original. This new table gets assigned its own metatable. Then we try indexing the config table again.

local function make_mt(default)
    local result = {
        __index = function(t, k)
            local original = default[k]
            -- scalars are returned by copy, so no extra steps needed
            if type(original) ~= 'table' then return original end
            -- tables are returned by reference, so we need a new table
            t[k] = {}
            -- the new table must index the original
            setmetatable(t[k], make_mt(original))
            return t[k]
        __newindex = function(t, k, v)
            t[k] = v
            if type(v) ~= 'table' then return end
            setmetatable(t, make_mt(default[k]))
    return result

It is important that we check whether the original is indeed a table. Scalar values are considered terminal, they are returned by copy instead of reference, so there is no danger in returning them. In fact, the terminal nature of scalars is what prevents infinite recursion. This __index function works with arbitrary levels of nesting.

If you were to try this code you would get a stack overflow error though. When we assign the new table through the statement t[k] = {} are are assigning a new entry to t which causes the __newindex function to be called. The same also happens in __newindex. Our code is stuck in an infinite recursion until we run out of stack frames. We need a way of adding an entry to a table without going through these metamethods. This is what the function rawset is for.

local function make_mt(default)
    local result = {
        __index = function(t, k)
            local original = default[k]
            if type(original) ~= 'table' then return original end
            rawset(t, k, {})
            setmetatable(t[k], make_mt(original))
            return t[k]
        __newindex = function(t, k, v)
            rawset(t, k, v)
            if type(v) ~= 'table' then return end
            setmetatable(t, make_mt(default[k]))
    return result

Putting it together

This has been quite a trip, but the final code is quite short.

local M = {}  -- The module

local default {
    cache_path = vim.fn.stdpath('cache') .. '/my_plugin',
    extra = {},
    size = {
        min = 0,
        max = 10

local function make_mt(default)
    return {
        __index = function(t, k)
            local original = default[k]
            if type(original) ~= 'table' then return original end
            rawset(t, k, {})
            setmetatable(t[k], make_mt(original))
        __newindex = function(t, k, v)
            rawset(t, k, v)
            if type(v) ~= 'table' then return end
            setmetatable(v, make_mt(default[k]))

M.config = {}
setmetatable(M.config, make_mt(default))

return M

Once you understand the principle and the various pitfalls the code is really not hard to understand. I intentionally made this post longer than it needs to be because I wanted to walk the reader through every step and point out my thought process.

Developing a solution is often an iterative process: we start out with a rough idea of what we want, we get the basics right, test it, find edge cases, fix those, test more, find new edge cases, and so on. It would have been easy to just post the final solution, which can fit into the palm of one's hand, but it would be nothing but a weird flex. Hopefully I have been able to convey my train of though in a manner you were able to follow along.

Can we do better?

Yes. The above code has one major flaw: it creates a new metatable for each level of nesting. In a Neovim plugin this should not be much of an issue, settings tables are rarely deep, but on the other hand the more plugins a user has, the more settings tables there are going to be. Thus the number of metatables is a functions of two parameters: the average depth of a settings table, and the number of settings tables.

The better solution will have to wait for another time, this post has already been in the making for too long. I will give you a little teaser though: it involved three tables this time, our immutable settings table, a mutable private table and an immutable public table. But wait, if the mutable table is private and the public table is immutable, how can we do anything at all? Well, that's where the one and only metatable will come into play. Stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe to the RSS feed.

Further reading

Metatables are explained in detail in the official Lua textbook. There is an entire chapter dedicated to the topic. The reference manual covers the topic in a more technical way.

The version of the book available for free online only covers Lua 5.0, but Neovim uses version 5.1 of Lua. The reference manual I have linked is for Lua 5.1.